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Duram Metal Primers

Duram Metal Primers

Browse our wide range of Duram metal primers available at TimBuild Somerset West

Duram Metal Primers

NS4 Anti-Rust Primer

A rust-preventing metal primer suitable for domestic, industrial and automotive uses.

Duram Metal Primers

NS1 Rust Buster

Reacts with rust by neutralising the iron oxide that causes rust and converting it into a stable, solid compound that’s ready for further priming and painting

Duram Metal Primers


Removes paints, enamels, varnishes, polyurethanes, adhesives and bitumen from a wide range of substrates.

Duram Metal Primers


Suitable as a thinner and cleaner for solvent-based and polyurethane products.

Duram Metal Primers

NS6 Galvanized Iron Primer

Essential primer that can be used on both new and weathered galvanized iron roofs, fences and other surfaces.

Duram Metal Primers

NS2 Galvanized Iron Cleaner

Removes grease, dirt, surface oxidation (white rust) and impurities from weathered galvanized iron.  Treats new galvanized iron, mild steel, aluminum and chromadek and removes the oily surface coating.

Duram Metal Primers

DTM Brush Cleaner and Thinners

Can be used to thin Duram DTM for spray application or a clean up solvent.

Duram Metal Primers

NS5 Metcote Etch Primer

A high adhesion primer for new and weathered mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, PVC, fibreglass, Chromadek, ZincAlume and AluZinc.

Duram Metal Primers


For interior and exterior use. Primer and topcoat for direct application onto difficult substrates such as Ceramic tiles, Melamine, Masonite and Formica, Aluminium and galvanized iron, Glass and PVC, Wood and MDF, Cement plaster, fibre-cement, concrete, brickwork and composite boards, Enamel paint, varnish and polyurethane.

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